
DFPM and DSPM: Two Steps Towards Modernizing Data Security

Data security is evolving and making the need to understand what is going on with your data more critical.

Anirban Banerjee
Dr. Anirban Banerjee is the CEO and Co-founder of Riscosity
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Data security is evolving. This evolution is making the need to understand what is going on with your data more critical. Teams need to be able to answer questions like, where is data being stored? Which vendor or team is using it? When is sensitive data being used? Where is data being sent?

The push to answer these questions is largely due to the legal, privacy, and security requirements becoming more strict, and the potential for companies to be fined due to non compliance with government sanctioned regulations. Just like the speed of security evolution, the regulatory landscape isn’t going to slow down anytime soon. Companies now have more rules than ever before to be aware of and comply with. In the United States alone, there are 15 states – California, Virginia, Connecticut, Colorado, Utah, Iowa, Indiana, Tennessee, Oregon, Montana, Texas, Delaware, Florida, New Jersey, and New Hampshire – that have comprehensive data privacy laws established. Concurrently, if companies are doing business globally, GDPR, EU CPRA, India’s DPDP, and China’s PIPL are regulations they will also need to be conscious of. Regulations are forcing enterprises to make clear decisions on their risk tolerance, deliberately create the required guardrails, or take the chance and potentially pay a significant fine.

The Current Challenges with Data Security

Data security isn’t new, but how teams will need to implement it is. Legacy data security solutions have not been redesigned for multi-cloud environments where data is complex and sprawled across vendors. Some limitations introduced by legacy tools are listed below:

  • Partial data discoverability
  • Non-Holistic data analysis
  • Time consuming UI to manage

Teams need to rethink their data security approach for several reasons:

  • Evolving Threat Landscape
  • Increased Data Volume and Complexity
  • Regulatory Compliance Requirements: There are stringent regulations governing data protection and privacy, such as GDPR, CCPA, HIPAA, etc. Modernizing data security ensures compliance with these regulations, avoiding costly fines and penalties.
  • Cloud Adoption
  • Advanced Technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), and blockchain offer new opportunities, but also pose new security challenges. Modern data security approaches leverage these technologies to detect and respond to threats more effectively.
  • Business Continuity and Resilience

Modernizing Your Data Security Approach With DFPM & DSPM

How DFPM and DSPM solutions sit in a security tech stack.

With data now moving to cloud based storage and then being used by cloud computing resources, the layers shown above need more bolstering:

  • Shift Left visibility
  • Discovery
  • Analysis
  • Access
  • Active in flight governance

DSPM (Data Security Posture Management) solutions are without doubt valuable tools for managing and protecting data at rest within an organization, but teams need more. When data is in motion, it becomes imperative to keep track of whether the right governance guardrails are in place or not. This means real time introspection of data, and having the ability to map whether each piece of data conforms to its appropriate governance standards. When data is in violation, teams will need the tools required to take appropriate corrective action – data masking, redaction, replacement, redirection and more – to avoid penalties.

This is where DFPM (Data Flow Posture Management) platforms come in. They are invaluable when teams need to manage and protect data within an organization because they focus on data in transit. With a DFPM platform, you’re able to:

  • Track data in motion across your ecosystem. This means your data catalog, data classes, and data exposures are understood in minutes to hours, rather than months to years. 
  • Transfer data to your 3rd party tools confidently. This is possible because Riscosity’s is agentless, and can connect wherever you work. 
  • Continuously discover existing, new, and shadow data exchanges across environments.
  • Flag and mask sensitive data everywhere it exists and document those exposures. This includes data stored in SaaS, IaaS, PaaS, and on-prem. 
  • Automate remediation for tasks like applying encryption to data in motion.
How DFPM and DSPM are different and how they're similiar.

Meeting and maintaining requirements is possible with a solution like the Riscosity DFPM platform and a DSPM solution like Normalyze, or Flow.

Riscosity Is The DFPM Solution You Deserve

Schedule a demo with our team to see how a DFPM platform can give you the data governance, visibility, and actionability you need to maintain a strong data security posture.