
Streamline Vendor Risk Management with the New Riscosity and ServiceNow Integration

Streamline Vendor Risk Management with the New Riscosity and ServiceNow Integration

Charrah Hardamon
Head of Marketing
Published on

Today, we’re excited to announce the launch of our integration with the ServiceNow Vendor Response Management (VRM) offering. Riscosity’s integration with ServiceNow empowers security teams with the insights and tools needed to achieve their security goals while still using their existing workflows in ServiceNow VRM.

Streamline Vendor Risk Management

As organizations expand their cloud environments and connect more endpoints, their attack surface becomes more dynamic. To help address this surface, Riscosity provides a complete view of their entire 3rd party ecosystem and drills into the specific data that is being exchanged with each vendor. Riscosity introduces a modern approach to vendor-focused security by providing a single, centralized view of all the third parties you’re sharing data with and the type of data you’re sharing  (e.g. SaaS apps, users, endpoints, code repos, identity providers, and more), giving you a complete understanding of your environment and any associated risks

By integrating with ServiceNow, Riscosity enables customers to seamlessly combine and cross-reference their approved vendor lists with what is actually being shared and discover shadow vendors in real time.

The Importance of Vendor Risk Management (VRM) 

According to a Gartner forecast, Worldwide IT spending is expected to total $5.26 trillion in 2024, an increase of 7.5% from 2023. With an increased adoption of new tooling, teams need to have a plan in place to confidently manage every vendor within their ecosystem. This is where Riscosity and ServiceNow come in. Vendors are detected in real time by Riscosity and are then pulled into ServiceNow VRM. Customers using both products will be able to view their active vendors within the ServiceNow dashboard, enabling them to take control of the vendor risk lifecycle, from onboarding to retirement, with real-time updates. Those same vendors will be accurately listed in the Riscosity dashboard with additional enriched insights (i.e., the specific data type that is being sent, risk rating, etc.) to ensure teams can triage based on severity and fix the vulnerabilities.

How It works

Any ServiceNow customer using Vendor Risk Management can integrate with Riscosity by simply plugging in their ServiceNow URL and API key. Once the integration is active, Riscosity will begin scanning the user's environment to populate the ServiceNow VRM dashboard with an accurate list of vendors, ensuring both ServiceNow and Riscosity are updated with current information. Additionally, users will have full access to the Riscosity dashboard to drill down on what specific data is being sent to each third party and can implement any necessary controls (e.g. block, redact, redirect, etc.) while the data is in transit.

Benefits of Using Riscosity with ServiceNow

By sending an accurate list of vendors from Riscosity to ServiceNow VRM, customers can easily compare the data from different sources, automate vulnerability grouping, prioritization and assignment, and quickly create requests and security incidents to remediate issues and mitigate risks. This new integration brings enhancements to any security program, by upleveling existing workflows with:

  • Detailed data flow insights across environments. Knowing your vendors isn’t enough. Teams also need to know what to prioritize based on what data is being sent. With Riscosity’s ability to highlight sensitive data being shared with each vendor, teams can analyze risks and expedite response.
  • Accurate vendor inventories. Modern environments are dynamic, making it challenging to keep vendor inventory information up-to-date. With Riscosity, every vendor will be cataloged in real time and sent to ServiceNow VRM for teams to review.
  • Simple issue management and remediation. Automate issue generation with Riscosity’s real-time alerts and designed remediation plans to resolve issues fast.
  • Compliance requirements identification and prioritization. Teams get help identifying which compliance requirements are being violated and prioritizing which vulnerabilities to fix first.

Start Integrating Riscosity with ServiceNow Today 

By using Riscosity with ServiceNow, teams can significantly enhance their data security posture and connect to new tools with confidence and visibility. Book a time with an expert to see how it works.